Showing posts with label Self-Development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self-Development. Show all posts

January 15, 2024

Create your own positive reality

 Life is full of distractions always telling us "later... later..."

Focus on now. The beauty of every moment. Remember that getting lost too far in the past of into the future is detrimental to your current state of mind & actually has the power to change you. Don't let the mistakes of your past or the many possibilities of the future prevent and actively sabotage the you, that you want to become. 

Creating a more positive you is easy, whatever new you, maybe the new isnt so positive. Whatever. Changing who you are easy. You see who you want to be, what you want, it's the projections of others that prevent you from achieving this. The other people you surround yourself with - are they cheering you on or are they hoping you trip up? Everyone loves an underdog story until you surpass them. 

So if others keep telling you otherwise and preventing you from truly becoming who you want to be, how do you stop it? Immersion. 

You know what you need to do, then the voices of doubt kick in.

Fall back on your belief. Hold onto that version of you that you want and don't ever let any setbacks become excuses. Fine, let them, but only temporarily. Setbacks are setups for comebacks.

The power of 3

if you can do something 3 times, you have created a habit. 3 days turns into 3 weeks turns into 3 months turns into 3 years. That's the power of raising something to the third power. Don't let bad news & bad habits be the only things that come in 3's. 

Start by finding 3 positive changes you want to have in your life. Find 3 things: images, quotes, or other reminders. Place them somewhere you can see them regularly.

Next, when the tough gets going - find 3 negatives you keep returning to in your head. Find them. name them. Turn them into a positive. 

When you dive into your new self, your new passion, your new hobby - pay attention to everyone but listen to no one.

And ask a lot of questions. Sometimes what stands between you and a better outcome is a few better questions. 

People will tell you all kinds of different ways they "got there" but the truth is, NONE of them will work for you unless you COPY them. Otherwise, you have to figure it out for yourself because you have to SEE yourself doing the work.

Take the time and patience to grow into something special & you will truly love the new change in you. And you will have it done it all for yourself, by yourself.