January 23, 2023

Creating Your Very Own Financial Blueprint



You've heard of blueprints. They're the plans that show how a building will be constructed, and they provide guidance for how the structure will be built. In the same way, creating a financial blueprint is a reliable guide for your financial goals and objectives. It doesn't tie you down to any particular path or option, but it does provide direction on where you want to go with your money — and how to get there. Here are six steps to creating your very own financial blueprint:

Your relationship with money.

When you are creating your financial blueprint, it's important to think about your relationship with money. As you consider the following questions, keep in mind that the answers will be different for everyone:

  • How do I feel about money? Do I want to earn more? Do I spend it freely, or do I feel guilty when spending money on myself?
  • How do I spend my money? Is it on food and clothes or is it on fancy dinners and cars?
  • How do I save my money? Do I set aside some every month for savings or does that seem like a waste of time because there are so many things I could be buying right now...like a new bag!
  • What is my financial comfort level (how much can we afford)? Is our lifestyle sustainable given our income level and current expenses—or should we adjust our lifestyle accordingly so that we can live within our means (and still enjoy ourselves!)

Crystallizing your goals.

Now that you’ve identified the steps in your money management plan, it’s time to make a list of what those steps are and how they relate to each other.

  • What are your goals?
  • Why do you want them?
  • How will you achieve them?
  • When do you want to achieve them?
  • How will you measure success (if at all)?

Identifying the problem, and gaining clarity on what you want!

As you begin to identify the problem, it's important to gain clarity on what you want.

What is your vision? What do you dream of? What motivates and inspires you?

For example, if one of your goals is buying a home, who will live there with you? How many children would like to have? Do they all go to public school or are some going to attend private school? Are all of them going to college and getting their degrees—and if so, at what age do they start taking out student loans?

Financial comfort level, savings and investment ideas.

You will want to consider the following factors:

  • How much money you have saved.
  • How much money you need to save.
  • How much money you want to invest and what to invest in.
  • What your financial goals are (e.g., retirement, education) and how long it will take you to achieve them. This will help determine what level of risk is appropriate for your investment strategy and time horizon.

Why you need to create a plan for your investments, not just make them.

What's the difference between a plan and a goal? A goal is something you want to achieve. A plan is a roadmap for getting there, with clear actions and steps along the way.

As you begin to invest, it’s important to understand the difference between a plan and a goal. A goal is something that you want to achieve. A financial blueprint is not really about what you want; it’s more about what you need.

Having a financial blueprint lets you take control of your future by making sure that every decision you make has the potential to move you closer to where you want to be. It also helps keep things organized so that nothing falls through the cracks or gets forgotten about—or worse yet, never starts at all! By taking time now to create this blueprint, it'll save lots of time in the future when it comes time for making decisions about investments or other financial matters.


Creating a financial blueprint is the first step to achieving your financial goals. It will help you make better decisions, so you can achieve financial freedom sooner rather than later.


Create your very own Financial Blueprint now!

January 22, 2023

How to Add Crypto to a Retirement Portfolio


Diversifying Your Portfolio with Crypto

Have you been seeing the crypto trends? Are you tired of missing out?

Cryptocurrencies are one of the most exciting and potentially lucrative investment opportunities in modern history. The cryptocurrency market has grown exponentially over the past decade, with millions of dollars being invested every day. Digital currencies offer a way for investors to diversify their portfolio beyond traditional stocks and bonds, giving them more control over their finances, as well as exposure to an entirely new asset class. Cryptocurrencies are not just about Bitcoin anymore: there are numerous other coins and tokens that have been created by developers around the world that can help you diversify your portfolio while making some money along the way!

Cryptocurrency in a Nutshell

Cryptocurrency is a decentralized digital currency that uses cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. The first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. After its release, hundreds of other cryptocurrencies (known as "altcoins") were created using the same blockchain technology that powers Bitcoin.

In order to understand how crypto works and how you can use it yourself, it's important to understand how blockchains are structured. A blockchain is a public ledger of all transactions involving the cryptocurrency since its inception—this means every transaction made using Bitcoin or any other blockchain-based currency can be viewed by anyone at any time!

The Blockchain

The blockchain is a decentralized ledger that records transactions and is the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. The blockchain is a shared database, distributed across thousands of computers around the world. It contains information about all transactions that have ever taken place on the network, so everyone on the network has access to it, but no single entity owns or controls it.

The term "blockchain" came about because each transaction added to this shared database creates a new block in the chain of transactions which then gets linked together with other blocks in order to form an unbroken chain (hence "blockchain").


First, let's talk about the most popular cryptocurrency in the world: Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is a digital currency that allows you to send money to anyone, anywhere in the world. It's decentralized, meaning it's not controlled by any one government or institution; instead, it runs on computers all over the world using an open source system that anyone can access and use. Bitcoin isn't backed by any physical commodity like gold—its value comes from its ability to be used as a form of payment for goods or services (and yes, there are places where you can spend your bitcoins).



The second most popular cryptocurrency is Ethereum. The Ethereum platform enables the development of decentralized applications and smart contracts, which are computer programs that can execute automatically, without any human interaction. Smart contracts allow for funds to be held in escrow until the project or service has been delivered. This eliminates the need for trust between parties, as well as reduces legal fees involved with creating traditional agreements.

Ethereum also acts as a digital currency exchange; users can purchase ETH tokens from exchanges with fiat currency (like USD) or other cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin). The value of Ethers will rise if more people adopt it into their portfolios; unlike stocks and bonds, however, you don't need an account to buy or sell your ETH tokens—you just need access to an online exchange where they're listed for sale!


Litecoin is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that enables instant payments to anyone in the world. It's based on an open source global payment network that is not controlled by any central authority.

Litecoin was created in 2011 by Charlie Lee and can be used to purchase goods and services, or trade for other currencies (both cryptocurrencies and traditional currency).


Ripple is a payment network that uses blockchain technology to facilitate international payments. It also serves as a cryptocurrency, but its value is linked to the company's services. In this way, Ripple acts as a bridge between traditional banking systems and cryptocurrency markets.

The company recently partnered with Bitcoin Cash-based cryptocurrency exchange Bitrue in an effort to bring more stablecoins into the market and increase adoption of Ripple’s xRapid protocol. The move could help boost XRP prices by increasing liquidity and creating more demand for the token itself.


Dash is a cryptocurrency that was created in 2014 by Evan Duffield. Dash uses technology to make transactions untraceable and thus private, making it possible to conduct transactions without having to disclose your identity. Dash originally began as XCoin, then Darkcoin before being rebranded as Dash (derived from ‘Digital Cash’). The codebase of Dash is based on Bitcoin, but there are several technical differences between the two cryptocurrencies:

  • **Block time:** In Bitcoin, the average block time is 10 minutes while in Dash it's 2.5 minutes (DASH stands for "Digital Cash"). This means that there are more blocks occurring within a shorter time period than with Bitcoin.
  • **Total supply:** There can never be more than 21 million Bitcoins mined; however there are currently over 18 million DASH coins mined already! The reward per block will decrease by 7% each year until all coins have been mined around 2023-2026 depending on how many people decide to mine this coin after 2024 when there will be no new rewards offered anymore (this is called "4 years inflation").


Zcash is a cryptocurrency that was developed using the Zerocoin protocol. It uses zero-knowledge proofs to prevent any party from seeing transaction amounts or parties involved in transactions. It is one of the few cryptocurrencies that can be considered truly anonymous, as it hides all of this information from everyone except those who choose to reveal it.

Though Zcash has its advantages, there are some drawbacks investors should consider before buying into this coin. It's important to note that though transactions are encrypted when sent through their blockchain, they aren't actually anonymous—Zcash users have an option of revealing information about themselves if they choose to do so (for example, by posting a public address). This means that Zcash isn't completely anonymous in practice; instead, it offers users varying degrees of privacy depending on how much information they choose to share with others.

Investing in crypto is an excellent way to diversify your investment portfolio.

Crypto is an excellent way to diversify your investment portfolio.

Crypto is a new asset class that has the potential to increase in value over time. It is not correlated with other assets like stocks and bonds, so crypto can be used to reduce risk in your overall investment portfolio.


Crypto is an excellent way to diversify your investment portfolio. It can be used as a hedge against inflation and other economic downturns, as well as a way to offset risk with traditional investments such as stocks and bonds. And while it has its ups and downs, crypto offers investors something they can’t get anywhere else—the opportunity to invest directly in an asset class that’s still in its infancy stage.




April 27, 2022

Whoah an update!

 I've been working crazy hard.

I have an LLC Now! (And I just started a second one, crazy!)

I've added so much to my YouTube Channel!

I have a son now! Heck, I am MARRIED!

There is SO MUCH to talk about and catch up on. The books I've read, the Covid pandemic, This crazy-awesome podcast I listen to now called Timesuck!

I hope you are all excited

July 27, 2019

How I lost 100 Pounds

My Journey from 290lb to 187lb

Yes. That's a picture of me with a squirrel. Pedro, the fraternity named him.  He joined us one afternoon while we were watching college football. At that time, I was probably around 240lbs. I was drinking and partying. Alot. And, I hadn't discovered Intermittent Fasting.

I was also eating what is considered the Standard American Diet, or SAD diet. Lots of grains, late night fast food, and basically no cooking for myself. I was hitting the gym. Hard. Like really hard - I was doing what's called a 2-day split routine. I was hitting the gym 6 days a week, sometimes 7 for 2+ hours a day. Between working 2 jobs and going to university, the gym was my meditation. My haven. My hobby. But, it consumed me. It consumed me in a way I wasnt aware of. I thought that to continue seeing results I had to keep working out this hard.

Up to this point, I had only heard of diets like adkins and low carb but I never saw any results on them and I never had any energy. So I just worked out really, really hard. As you can see, I was a big dude. but by no means did I have a 6 pack, not like the stuff you kind of see forming around august for me.

In Fact, the March 2012 picture and pedro marks the time in my life when two of the greatest things ever happened to me.

1) I swore of fast food for the rest of my life


2) I discovered Intermittent Fasting.

Now, these two decisions alone are probably what launched me from flubby to mostly lean.

The third decision I made was to research. I started devouring resources as fast as my hands could type and quickly as my eyes could read. I started learning about all kinds of hormones like leptin, ghrelin, and cortisol. I even discovered new workout methods which I still use today.

It wasn't easy. I had to be relentless in my desire and hunger (get it) to change. For me, I was the fat kid growing up. So weight was always a struggle and I am still tormented by some of those memories to this day.

Here's the deal, weight isn't that hard to manipulate, if you know the right hacks for your brain. I want to teach you those hacks, but it's very hard to convey over words and paragraphs alone. I highly urge you check out my training sessions on re-framing your brain!

“We would accomplish more things if we did not think of them as impossible.” - Vince Lombardi

It's going to be tough, but you will have to grind it out. You have to make the decision that you are either willing to hustle every day or unwilling to remain the same. Both are going to be powerful motivators for what we want to accomplish.

You have to be relentless. If others can do it, so can you. In my many years at the gym I've seen some amazing things. I've seen skinny kids grow to be muscular. I've seen people drop over 200lbs. I've seen people with one arm, I've seen people in wheelchairs working out. The one thing they all had in common was their determination and perseverance to accomplish whatever goal they had set for themselves.

My goal was to get lean and build muscle. And intermittent fasting was the key to this goal. I chose the method of 16-8. This means 16 hours of not eating and 8 hours of allowing myself to eat.

There are other variations and I highly recommend you trying out them all and finding the variation that works best for you.

For me, the 16-8 method allowed me to have 2 meals a day and still get my snacking in. That was my big problem, snacking. See, we don't need to "fuel the metabolic fire" by eating small meals every 2 hours. Studies certainly show that it can lead to desired outcomes, but you will never feel fully satiated on just a 200 calorie snack. I liked the feeling of being full and happy. Fat and happy haha. With research and trying out Intermittent Fasting, I quickly became addicted.

At first, when beginning Intermittent Fasting, I stuck to my regular Standard American Diet. Why change it up? I was seeing results, I had plenty of energy, and I even increased my 1 rep max on bench press to 375lb. This was great! Amazing!

This Time Restricted eating thing was really working out. And I encourage you to start if you haven't already. The easiest way to start is the 16-8 method.

Ok, so let's fast forward to a few months later, or even a few years later. You've been doing well on the new routine and you've seen some results. Awesome!

But like all good routines, you've hit a plateau. Don't worry! This is normal! There's a few options for you to choose moving forward.

Let me tell you about my personal experience. While I was still in the U.S. the first option I chose was to change up my workout plan. I began to study new routines and different approaches to what I was currently doing. (if you want to learn about specific workout routines, please request a 1 on 1!)

What I discovered was called Reverse Pyramid Training and the science behind it made sense. You want to hit the muscle the hardest at the outset and increase your reps while decreasing weight. So I changed and I saw new results and better results. I overcame the plateau, and you can too!

I continued along this journey. "Nothing tastes as good as lean feels." Years of effort and dedication have paid off. I was finally happy. But I still wanted more. I wanted to push myself further and so should you!

The other option you have is to change your diet. This is why it's a lifestyle change. When you begin the journey of educating yourself more and more on the quality of food you consume, you find out that you don't have to workout as hard or as long to burn the same calories. Don't get me wrong! You have to exercise and you still have to hit it hard! But, as I grew older, my time became more and more important to me.

I was evolving myself to work smarter and not harder. Previously, I was spending 2 hours in the gym, 6 days a week. I was eating everything I wanted, I had no education on the chemicals I was consuming through the SAD diet.

Also, tragedy had struck me. I had terribly injured my shoulder while attempting to play rugby in Spain. This is when I was forced by life to slow down and reassess how to control my weight. I no longer had the ability to exert copious amounts of energy in order to achieve the results I was striving so hard after.

So now, with the inability to workout as hard as I could, I had to find alternative workouts, I learned to come to love leg day at the gym. So at this point, I was still doing intermittent fasting, but I was learning so much more about different types of diets. I was coming to realize my diet had been garbage! I came across resources like Gary Taubes, and the book "Pure, White, and Deadly," internet bloggers like Mark Sisson and Martin Berkham. I invite you to dive down the rabbit hole.

"I would rather skip the stairs and skip the bread"

Once you start diving down the rabbit hole of genetics, you're ability to control your body type and habits becomes sensationally better. You gain a whole new ability to train your brain!

So diet and exercise, yes it's that simple! But it's that hard. Intermittent Fasting is hard! Maybe, after you've done it for a few years, challenge yourself to fast for multiple days! I once fasted for 4 days, just to see if I could.

While, I have fallen off the wagon my fair share of times in not eating bread, or consuming sugary beverages, I always seem to feel my greatest and my strongest and most disciplined when I  am eating a paleo-mimicking diet. Enjoy your cheesecake and grains, and ice cream from time to time, because cheat days are important for your sanity and long term goals!

As for what I discovered about diet, I think a mix of paleo mimicking, Mediterranean, and intermittent periods of keto are the best bet. To make it easier let's just start with cutting down on sugars, learning about the different carbohydrates, and the bodily processes of breaking down the different macronutrients. Further I would start learning the difference in what constitutes good fat and bad fat. For instance Monounsaturated fat is very good for you and can help aid in fat loss whereas trans fat can be highly harmful to your body.

While all of this research is going on, make sure you are being cognizant of the calories in vs calories out. One mental out that people look for is still an excuse to overeat! Nothing can change the laws of thermodynamics, it does have a lot to do with how fast you will achieve your goals. It's just a lot easier to get there while feeling full and satiated with real, whole, good for you foods.

I hope this was helpful and I wish you the best in your continued journey of health and weight loss!

March 19, 2019

Mercadona v. Consum - A Foreigner's Perspective.

This would have been a fabulous post to write about. I really enjoyed my time in Spain and this would have been a fantastic additional case study. Many of the discussion would have correlations drawn between Kroger and Publix or Target maybe. 

What a fascinating time and I wish I would have gotten around to publishing and studying this more.

Update: 01/15/24

It's fascinating to remember how the two stores were slightly different, the same way a Publix and Kroger are different. I love the possibility of doing a perspective case study on the two, but ultimately it would be a passion project

March 17, 2019

The Curious Case of the Spiritual Gangster

In an Increasingly well traveled world, the Barter Economy and Go-Givers Harvest the highest rewards, knowledge and Information.
The Why:
Travel is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself, because of the people you meet and the experiences you have, if you are open minded. In the past, I've written about how The Singing Cerveza Salesman who won my business, today I am going to write about how being generous with what you have can get you the experience of a lifetime.
The Story:
This story took place over the St. Patrick's day Weekend in Memphis, Tennessee. The name's will be changed as always. All events take place in and around Beale Street.
We Started on
Enjoyed a Parade of Boll Weavels, Shriners, Cruella DeVille Cars, and Memphis Grizzlies:
After the parade, we found ourselves at Silky O'Sullivans which was crowded and an amazing experience where I got to partake in a magical bucket. The experiences that this magical bucket called a "Diver" never stopped ceasing to amaze me. It caught eyes and attention, it was communal, and it brought people into our circle that will forever be friends for the rest of time. Our circle grew. The contents of this bucket could be traded, not for currency but for value. The value of a good time. As the day progressed on the contents of the bucket seemed to dwindle but sometimes people would share their time with us and somehow the bucket never seemed to get truly empty. The more we shared, the more a magical haze overtook me, that can only be described as the beginning of the magic of St. Patrick's Day.
The Magical Bucket:

Being from Nashville, TN, I wanted to drop in and say hey to my neighbors at Tin Roof in Memphis because I've been a fan of the Original Tin Roof on Demonbreun for as long as I'm allowed to legally remember.

Here begins the tale of how a pair of Ray-Bans magically passed over two of my close friends and led the spiritual gangster into my life. During the day I was wearing my glasses and couldn't wear my sunglasses. So my first friend wanted to borrow them, of course this is no problem! "J," now with a pair of sunglasses was able to meet "A." "A" had a pair of sunglasses that "J" was able to keep up with because a silly leprechaun kept knocking the sunglasses off A's head. So now my Ray-Bans were able to be commandeered by my good brother Forrester. Forrestor wore my shades until the sun had set and I had my contacts in.

These magical sunglasses were able to lead J and Forrester to their own spiritual gangsters, they had finally come to rest back on my head with one last task: find me a spiritual gangster.

Though my day had been arduous and my feet were calloused, I was not giving up hope to find a true intellectual conversation. The attempts throughout had been many, yet none were fruitful. Since Tin Roof in Nashville was familiar territory for me, Tin Roof on Beale Street quickly became a comfort zone in which I thrived. I introduced myself to some staff and sent regards from Tin Roof in Nashville.

The Dance floor seemed fun, but not this late, my spirit was dwindling and I needed a few more carbohydrates anyway. Returning inside, I found my way upstairs, I found my friends J, N, A, K, B, and Forrester up here!

How Amazing, the Magical Bucket and Sunglasses re-united us! I made more friends, a Real Estate Agent, an Attorney, and an interesting gentleman who's name I never got. But alas, the spirits were not in my favor... yet. All of these conversations were great, but none of them truly enlightening and all ended too soon.

That's when the wind shifted the tide and led me to Elle. Elle was tall, which I liked. She also seemed to be fairly un-amused with her current accompaniment. We hit it off pretty quickly with polite complements traded. Elle had an amazing story being from Hawaii originally, and you don't hear that very often! She Also had a Carmen San Diego thing going on especially since I think she mentioned having lived there, in fact it's where she started her company. I had to know more, why was she in Memphis? Was she merely visiting or did she live there? Elle actually moved her start up from San Diego to Memphis to catch a big Fish and as a salesman myself, I appreciated the willingness to travel, plus it made huge business sense. As the magic of the night increasingly took hold of the atmosphere, the Altruistic Leprechauns moved the magic hands of time and place. The Spiritual Gangster hat was of significant importance to Elle. Perhaps, perhaps not. I will never know.
The Hat:
The Curious Case of the spiritual gangster
But I do know that the exchange of ideas and thoughts in not only English but in Spanish as well was worth more than any classical education could buy. To read more on how to get more from your education while travelling abroad and the significance of learning a second language, read my article about Staying Healthy while Travelling Abroad. 

Before Hailing a ride, Elle and I exchanged items in order to guarantee we would re-unite at a future point. The Spiritual Gangster hat that she had placed such High Value on and my Ray bans which I didn't pay anywhere near to full price for were traded.

I valued very much my sunglasses because of the magic that they were able to work for my brothers and for me, so I wonder what magic and good fortune will bring because of the Highly Valued hat? Stay Tuned for the update of when the Spiritual Gangster Strikes again! Elle and Myself had exchanged so much information and generosity; however, it was time for me to retire to my room for the night. Elle was awaiting a friend anyway and I urgently needed a change of socks.

So I hailed a Lyft home and had one more amazingly intelligent altruistic conversation with my Driver, T. Fortunately, due to the wonders of technology I was able to get word of my brothers whereabouts and that Elle had finally reunited with her friend.
The Moral
What this whole story comes down to is this, that even though currency is simply a means of exchange, true value can be found from meaning, conversation, and experience.

Through true friendship, kind acts, and generosity, you can truly have an amazing time. As Eric Weinstein said in a Joe Rogan Podcast, "Take something simple like a harmonica" something completely unexpected and using it in a different way "Something you get as a party favor as a kid" he continues "There's 4 secrets and suddenly the world opens up" ... "There's so small a number of secrets and you have to have a reason." "They're small financial options, you can exercise them or you can not exercise them."

 Body language is the language of the world, and that's a tale for another day.

If you enjoy reading my stories, insights, and perspectives, please consider donating! There are several ways and if you'd like be a patron, your generosity will help my go on my biggest endeavor ever in writing a book. Thank you for reading!